Estimation of combining ability of newly developed inbred lines of maize by (line x tester) analysis

El-Shenawy, A. A.

Estimation of combining ability of newly developed inbred lines of maize by (line x tester) analysis [electronic resource]. تقدير القدرة الإئتلافية لسلالات جديدة من الذرة الشامية باستخدام تحليل السلالة x الكشاف. - p.50-63.

Includes references.

Eight maize inbred lines were top-crossed to four testers, i.e. Sd-34, S.C. SK-1, S.C.122 and T.W.C. 322 at Sakha in 2000 season. The parents and top-crosses were evaluated in 2001 season at Sakha and Sids locations. Mean squares due to locations and entries (E) ; parents (P), crosses (C),( p vs C) and their interactions were significant for most studied traits. Ten top crosses, i.e., (Sk-8003/1-2 x S.C. Sk-1), (Sk-8003/1-2 x S.C. 122), (Sk-8003/1-2 x T.W.C. 322), (Sk-8171/1-1 x Sd-34) (Sk-8171/3-2 x S.C.Sk-1), (Sk-8171/3-2 x T.W.C 322), (Sk-8174/7-2 x T W.C 322), (Sk-8174/ 7-1 x T.W.C 322), (Sk-8174/1-1 x S.C. Sk-1) and (Sk-8174/1-1 x T.W.C.322) were not significant than the commercial crosses S.C. 122 and T.W.C.322 for grain yield and most of the studied traits.

Summary in Arabic.

general combining ability
specific combining ability.

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