Genetic parameters for some yellow maize inbred lines for grain yield and some other traits using line X tester analysis under sandy soil conditions [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.607-623Other title:- المعايير الوراثية لبعض السلالات الصفراء من الذرة الشامية لمحصول الحبوب وبعض الصفات الأخرى بإستخدام تحليل السلالة فى الكشاف تحت ظروف الأراضى الرملية [Added title page title]
- Minufiya journal of agricultural research, 2009 v. 34 (2) [electronic resource].
Includes reference.
Eighteen yellow maize inbred lines derived from composite-21 at Gemmeiza Agricultural Research Station were topcrossed with two testers; i.e. Gm-1002 and Gm-1021 during 2004 summer season. in the two commercial hybrid checks; SC-155 and SC-3084 were evaluated at Ismailia Agricultural Research Station under sprinkler irrigation system and sandy soil conditions. Differences significantly were detected among years for alltraits except no. of kernels/row. mean squares due to crosses (C) and their partitioning; Lines (L), Testers (T) and line x Tester (L x T) were found to be significant and highly significant for all traits except (L) for grain yield and no. of kernels/row, (T) for ear diameter, no. of rows/ear and 100 kernels weight and (L x T) for grain yield and 100 kernels weight.
Summary in arabic.
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