Integrated effect of n-forms in mineral and organic with or without Syanobacteria inoculation on improving peanut productivity [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: P. 10769-10781Other title:- التأثير المشترك لاضافة النتروجين فى صورتيه المعدنية والعضوية مع اضافة السيانوبكتريا على تحسين انتاجية الفول السودانى فى الاراضى الرملية [Added title page title]
- Mansoura University journal of agricultural sciences, 2007 v. 32 (12) [electronic resource].
- Sandy soils
- Organic fertilizers
- Nitrogen fertilizers
- Nitrogen fertilizers -- Research
- Vaccination
- Peanuts -- Effect of nitrogen on
- Peanuts -- Fertilizers
- Peanuts -- Research -- Egypt
- Peanuts -- Breeding -- Egypt
- Nitrogen fertilizers -- Environmental aspects
- Peanuts -- Quality
- Mineral fertilizers
- Productivity
Includes references.
A field experiment was carried out at lsmailia Aaric. Res. Station during the summer season of 2005 to study the integrated effect of the application of different N-forms, i.e., mineral fertilizer (ammonium sulphate) and\ or organic fertilizer (compost) combined with or without cyanobacterial inoculation on improving peanut productivity as well as the effect on soil organic matter content and some biological soil properties.
Summary in Arabic.
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