Identification of some triticum species by the inflorescence features [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.29-40Other title:- تمييز بعض أنواع القمح بصفات النورة [Added title page title]
- Agricultural research journal, Suez Canal University, 2005 v.5 [electronic resource].
Includes references.
Eight Triticum :-.pecies l'vere obtained fi'om d{{ferent sources (six species imported from CIMMTY, Mexico, one speciesjrom fCARDA. Syria and one speciesji-om NSGC, USDA-ARS Aberdeen USA). The grains of d~/!erenf Triticum species were SOlvn under the same conditions in the Experimental Farm qf rhe Faculty (~l Agriculture, Suez Canal University, lsmailia Governorate on November lO()] season for studying the inflorescence morphology. The following results were obtained:- MOJphological characters (~f spike, rachis, spikeler ( glume. lemma, palea), pollen grains and grains U'ere l'aried among species.
Summary in Arabic.
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