Effect of fat quality and frying on growth and some biochemical aspects in rats [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.113-140Other title:- تأثير نوعية الزيوت واستعمالها فى التحمير على النمو وبعض القياسات البيوكيميائية فى الفئران [Added title page title]
- Assiut veterinary medical journal, 2003 v. 49 (97) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
Two hundred and forty growing albino rats, of three weeks old were allotted into 12 equal groups each of 20 rats and specified for 2 separate experiments performed for testing oil quality and frying and each extended for 6 weeks. Six rat groups were assigned for experiment I of which the first group was taken as the control and fed on the diet supplemented with 10% corn oil. The other five groups were set for fresh sunflower oil-, cottonseed oil -, palm oil-, hydrogenated palm oil and butter fat- treatments. In experiment II the same kinds of fat used in Exp. I were tested after being fried using the remained six rat groups.
Summary in Arabic.
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