Application of crude pectinases produced by Aspergillus sojae (ATCC 20235) as a processing aid for banana juice extraction [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.15-25Other title:- استخدام إنزيمات البكتينيز الخام PGzyme الناتجة من فطر Aspergillus sojae (ATCC 20235) والمعدل وراثيا فى استخلاص وترويق عصير الموز [Added title page title]
- Menoufia journal of food and dairy sciences, 2016 v. 1, (Aug) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
Crude pectinases produced by genetically modified Aspergillus sojae (ATCC 20235) namely PGzyme was used for extraction and clarification of banana juice comparing with two commercially available pectinase (Fructozym and Flavourozyme). Therefore, endopolygalacturonase (Endo-PG), exopolygalactouronase (Exo-PG) and polymethylegalacturonase (PMG) activities in each enzyme preparation were estimated. The results revealed that Fructozym is more effective to extract and clarify of banana juice rather than of PGzyme. While, Flavourzyme has no marked effect on the extraction or clarification of the banana juice. Physicochemical characteristics of the produced juices by the studied different enzymes were also discussed.
Summary in Arabic.
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