Physiological effect of potassium and boron fertilization under two planting dates on productivity of Egyptian cotton plant [Computer file]/
التأثير الفسيولوجى للتسميد البوتاسى والبورون تحت ميعادى زراعة على إنتاجية نبات القطن المصرى.
Saber Shaban Abdel-Gayed Farghaly.
- 2009.
- Computer laser optical disk; c4 3/4 in.
Thesis (Ph.D.)-- Benha University,2009 .
Includes bibliographical references (leaves162-182) .
Systems requirements: Adobe Reader.
Summary in Arabic.
Cotton--fertilizers. Plants--Effect of boron on. Cotton--Physiology. Potassium fertilizers. Cotton--Planting time. Cotton--Yields.