Mohammad, Omaima O.

Effect of foliar spray with Ca, Mg, and vitamin B₁ on the productivity and storability of snap bean grown in sandy soil [electronic resource]. تأثير الرش بالكالسيوم ، الماغنسيوم وفيتامين ب₁ على الإنتاجية والقدرة التخزينية للفاصوليا النامية فى الأراضى الرملية. - P.41-62.

Includes reference.

Two field experiments were carried out during autumn seasons of 2005/2006 and 200612007 in Experimental Farm at El-Kassasein, Hort. Res. Station, Ismaelia Governorate, Egypt, to study the effect of foliar spray with Ca, Mg, and vit. B₁ on growth, yield, pod quality and storability of snap bean under the conditions of sandy soil. Spraying snap bean plants with Ca, Mg and vit. B₁ significantly increased number of branches/plant, dry weight of shoots, total dry weight, N, P and K total uptake by plant, number of pods! plant and total yield/feddan. In this respect, vito HI at 25 ppm gave the highest values of the above mentioned traits followed by both Mg and Ca at 0.5 % and Mg at 0.2%. On the other hand, dry matter (%) and appearance of green pods decreased with increasing storage period, whereas weight loss (%), decay (%) and off-odor increased with increasing storage period. In addition, spraying snap been plants with Ca at 0.5 % reduced weight loss (%) decay (%) and off-odor and gave the highest dry matter content (%) during storage in cool room.

Summary in Arabic.

Green bean--Breeding.
Green bean--Fertilizers.
Soils--Magnesium content
Soils--Calcium content
Sandy soils.