Using some antioxidant substances for enhancing thermotolerance and improving productivity of pea (Pisum sativum L) plants under local environment of early summer season [electronic resource].
استخدام بعض مضادات الأكسدة لزيادة تحمل الاجهاد الحراري وتحسين انتاجية البسلة تحت الظروف المحلية فى العروة الصيفية المبكرة.
- p.91-98.
Includes reference.
Increasing evidence suggests that exogenous antioxidants may lead to the enhancement of thermotolerance and improvement of growth and productivity in plants. This study was designed in private farm at Kafr Hassan, Samannoud district, Garbia governorate (10 Krn apart of Mansoura city), to investigate the influence of some antioxidant substances, Le., vitamins C (250 ppm) and E (150 ppm), calcium (2000 ppm), zinc (100 ppm), selenium (50ppm) and salicylic acid (150 ppm), as well as yeast extract (25ml/l) towards better thermal tolerances and higher productivity of pea plants cv. Master-B under local environmental condition of two early summer seasons of 2005 and 2006. The results showed that exogenous foliar applications with mentioned substances were most effective in enhancing heat tolerance in pea plants, which were manifested by improving vegetative growth parameters (plantheight, number of branches and leaves/plant, fresh and dry weight/plant as well as leaf area/plant), yield and yield attributes (pod length, number of seed/pod and weight of 100-green seeds) and seed quality (vitamin C and reducing and non-reducing sugars), as well as, leaf chlorophyll contents,compared with untreated control (tap water) in the two growing seasons.
Summary in Arabic.
Peas--Fertilizers. Peas--Effect of temperature on Antioxidants.