Hatab, Shimaa R.

Effect of traditional handling and preservation on the quality of Bardwiel lagoon fish during storage in ice تأثير طرق التداول والحفظ التقليدية على جودة اسماك بحيرة البردويل أثناء التخزين فى الثلج. - p.59-64

Includes reference.

Fresh fish is a highly perishable raw material that will deteriorate rapidly if it is poorly handled. The effects of traditional handling and preservation techniques on the quality of Mulet fish (Mugil cephelus) have been nvestigated. The fish were divided into tow groups. The first group was directly transferred in ice box to the laboratory and reserved under laboratory conditions whereas; the second group was transferred to the market by traditional methods and preserved under market condition. All samples were evaluated regularly for chemical, bacteriological and sensory tests.The results showed that there were significant differences (P < 0.05) between laboratory samples and market samples during storage period. These results indicated that bad handling and preservation techniques affect the quality of mullet fish of Bardwiel lagoon.

Summary in Arabic.

Ice prevention.
Fish handling.