Badr, M.

Effect of some chemical and natural holding solutions on the post harvest quality of gladiolus spikes [electronic resource]. تأثير بعض المواد الكيماوية والطبيعية على مدة بقاء شماريخ الجلاديولس الزهرية المقطوفة. - p.45-50.

Includes reference.

Spikes of cut Gladiohus cv.Rose supername were placed in holding solutions containing different chemicals .i.e. 50ppm silver nitrate.250 ppm 8-hydroxyqinoline + 5 %sucrose • j %sucrose alone .25.50 or 100ppm sodium Hypochlorite .All these chemicals were compared with the safety. Friendly and non-toxic natural resources .i.e. 0.5. 1.0 And 1.5 g/l of powdered dried sepals ofHibiscw sabdariffa .with 0r without 5 % sucrose .0.5. 1.0 and 1.5 g/l o/powdered dried leaves .

Summary in Arabic.

Gladiolus--Physiology and morphology.
Cut flowers--Postharvest technology