Murad, H.H.

Effect of cellulases supplementation to some low quality roughages on digestion and milk production by lactating goats [electronic resource]. تأثير اضافة الانزيمات المحللة للسليلوز الي بعض مواد العلف الخشنة منخفضة الجودة على الهضم وانتاج اللبن من اماعز الحلاب. - p.791-809

Includes reference.

Tow experiments were carried out to evaluate the effects of cellulases supplementation on in vitro degradation of banana waste and in vivo nutrients digestibility, milk yield and composition by lactating Zaraibi goats. In the in vitro experiment, dry matter and organic matter disappearance (IVDMD and IVOMD) were determined for banana waste supplemented separately with laboratory produced cellulase (Asperozym) and commercial cellulolytic enzyme source (Bacillozym®) at 4 levels (0, 0.77,1.54, 2.31and 3.08 Unit I kg DM). Increasing the Asperozym supplementation levels up to 3.08 U/kg DM exhibited the highest (p<0.05) values of IVDMD and IVOMD, while Bacillozym® recorded the highest (p<0.05) IVDMD and IVOMD values at 1.54 U/kg DM compared with the untreated banana waste (Control), which gave the lowest values of IVDMD and IVOMD. In the in vivo experiment, six lactating Zaraibi goats after 7 days of parturition were divided into three groups, tow animals each, using 3x3 Latin square designs. The first group was fed 50% concentrate feed mixture (CFM), 25% banana waste and 25% berseem straw (Control diet). The second group was fed control diet supplemented with Asperozym at level of 3.08 U/kg DM (T1). The third group was fed control diet supplemented with Bacillozym® at level of 1.54 U/kg DM. (T2). Asperozym and Bacillozym® supplementation significantly (p<0.05) increased nutrients digestibility, nutritive values, mminaltotal volatile fatty acids (TVFA's) and ruminal total nitrogen for treated groups compared with the control group. Milk yield was significantly (p<0.05) increased for Asperozym and Bacillozym® treated groups compared with the control group. However milk composition did not significantly (p<0.05) change among all groups. Asperozym was superior over Bacillozym® for improving feed digestion and milk production by Zaraibi goats.

Summary in Arabic.

Crop residues as feed.
Goat milk.