The environmental indicative potential of metal in Clarias gariepinus and their infesting polyonchobothrium clarias (Cestodes) and Macrogyrodactylus clarii (Monogenea) parasites [electronic resource].
التأثيرات البيئية المحتملة للمعادن الثقيلة على أعضاء القرموط الأفريقى وطفيل البولى انكوبوثيريم كلارياس(ديدان شريطيه) والمكروجيروديكتلاس كلارياس (احاديه العائل).
- p.467-483.
Includes reference.
The objective was to determine whether P. clarias and M. clarias and a useful bioindicator species as part of a parasite-host system with C gariepinus, which is a bottom-dwelling benthivorous, which is highly likely to be exposed to water-borne contaminants and to assess the degree of correlation between these concentrations and pollution of the water reservoir.
Summary in Arabic.
Catfishes--Effect of heavy metals on. Catfishes--Parasites. Tapeworms. Monogenea.