Metwalli, O. M.

Nutrients content and nutritive value of some germinated and non germinated legumes [electronic resource] المحتوى الغذائى والقيمة الغذائية لبعض البقوليات المنبتة والغير منبتة. - p.251-262.

Includes references.

The present work aimed at studying proximate composition, amino acid profile, and biological evaluation of nutritive value of cooked germinated and ungerminated chickpea and faba bean. Biological evaluation including body weight gain, total food intake, food efficiency ratio, protein efficiency ratio and corrected protein efficiency ratio was assessed in rats in comparison to casein diet. In addition, nitrogen content of rat carcass was determined. Results of proximate analysis of legumes showed that percentage protein, fat, fibers, moisture and calories were increased while percentage ash and Carbohydrates were reduced on germination of laba bean.

Summary in Arabic.

Cooking (Chickpeas)
Fava bean.
Food--Protein content.
Nutritive Value.