Neweigy, N. A.

Classical and new microbial indicators of drinking water in Dakahlia Governrate. دلائل التلوث الميكروبى التقليدية والحديثة فى مياه الشرب بمحافظة الدقهلية - p.275-286.

Includes references.

This study aims to compare diirent sources of water in Dakahlia governorate whether tap or underground water and to assess the sources of such water in terms of microbiolwical and 1 detects the classical and new indicators of water pollutants, as wll as tie detedrn of certain pamogens, and then isolate and ;dentiW some of these pollutants.

Summary in Arabic.

Ground water--Pollution--Dakahlia (Egypt)
Water--Pollution--Dakahlia (Egypt)
Pathogenic microorganisms.
Drinking water--Microbiology--Dakahlia (Egypt).