Abd El-Meanem, Ismail

Influence of resistance inducers on soybean damping-off, nodulation and n2-fixation [electronic resource]. المقاومة المستحثة لمرض موت البادرات فى نباتات فول الصويا باستخدام بعض المستحثات وتأثيرها على التعقد وتثبيت النيتروجين. - P. 9387-9405.

Includes reference.

The effect of K2HPO4, Salicylic acid, H2O2, cobalt sulfate, Ethepone, ascorbic acid, and gibberelic acid on the growth of Bradyrhizobium japonicum 3407 strain was in vitro evaluated B. japonicum showed no sensitivity to any chemical inducers on liquid culture.

Summary in Arabic.

Soybean--Disease and pest resistance.
Damping-off diseases.