Nassar, A. N. M.

Effect of intercropping systems and weed control treatments on peanut and sunflower productivity and assocated weeds under sandy soil conditions [electronic resource]. دراسة العلاقة بين بعض نظم التحميل ومعاملات مقاومة الحشائش على إنتاجية محصولى الفول السودانى وزهرة الشمس والحشائش المصاحبة فى الأراضى الرملية. - p.671-700.

Includes references.

Two field experiments were carried out in newly reclaimed lands at Ismailia Agriculture Research Station dnring 2004 and 2005 summer seasons to study the effect of intercropping systems and weed control treatments on dry weight of weeds biomass (glm'), peanut and sunflower yields and their components. Results indicated that intercropping system (100% peanut + 100% sunflower) significantly reduced dry weight of total annual weeds at 75 days after sowing (DAS) by 46.1 and 46.8%, respectively, compared with sole peanut in the first season and intereropping system (100% peanut + 50% sunflower) in the second season. Sole peanut significantly increased pods yield! fed of peanut by 34.9 and 29.7%, respectively, compared with intercropping system (100% peanut + 100% sunflower) in the first and second seasons.

Summary in Arabic.

Sunflowers--Weeds control.
Peanuts--Weeds control.
Sandy soils.