Omar, E.H.

Response of chickpea and maize crops plants grown in a clayey soil to surface and subsurface drip irrigation, biosolid and mineral NPK fertilizers [electronic resource]. استجابة محصولى الحمص و الذرة النامية فى أرض طينية الى التسميد بالمخلفات الحيوية الصلبة والتسميد المعدنى تحت نظم الرى بالتنقيط السطحى و تحت السطحى. - p.4651-4665.

Includes references.

Two fieId experiments were conducted during winter season 2006/2007 and summer season 2007 at the Farm of Sakha Agricultural Research Station, Kafr EI-Sheikh Governorate to study the response of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) and maize (Zea mayas) crops to biosolids with different rates of mineral NPK fertilizers under surface drip and subsurface drip irrigation systems The design of the experiment was spilt plot with tour replicates. Main plots were assigned to irrigation systems while subplots were assigned to biosolids (20 ton/fed.), zero, 50 ,75 and 100 % of the recommended mineral NPK fertilizers (R D).

Summary in Arabic.

Chickpea-- Fertilizers.
Clay soils.
Heavy metals