Abd El-hameed, Fadia.

Role of various species of Mycoplasma and bacteria in turkey's sinusitis with description of pathological picture. [electronic resource]. دور الميكوبلازما والبكتريا فى التهاب الجيوب الانفية للرومى مع وصف الصورة الباثولوجية. - p.356-376.

Includes reference.

The current work was carried out to clear-up the probable causes responsible for signs of infraorbital sinusitis with embryonic deaths of the fertile eggs in a multiple-age turkey's farm located in EI-Minia Governorate, Upper Egypt. Clinical and necropsy examinations, and serological testing in association with conventional culturing procedures and molecular diagnosis (PCR) indicated that Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG), either alone or coupled with other pathogens (Pasteurella multocida and Escherichia coli) was the predominant etiologic agent responsible for the respiratory problems including infraorbital sinusitis of the infected turkey flocks.

Summary in Arabic.

Turkey--Virus diseases
Pasteurella multocida.
Mycoplasma gallisepticum.