Shawer, B. M.

Effect of extract and oil of some aromatic plants on the two parasitoids Eretmocerus mundus (Mcreet) and Enearsia lutea (Masi) of the whitefly B. tabaci (Gennadius) [electronic resource]. تأثير المستخلصات النباتية والزيوت العطرية لخمسة نباتات عطرية على طفيلين(Eretmocerus mundus (Mcreet) and Enearsia lutea (Masi) للذبابة اليضاء على نباتات الفاصوليا تحت ظروف الاصابة الطبيعية فى منطقة كفر الشيخ. - p.377-384.

Includes references.

The efficacy of extract and oil of some aromatic plants on the two parasitoids of B. tabaci infested kidney bean plants at Kafr EI-Sheikh were determined. The extracts of the hot-pepper, sweet basil and geranium augmented the parasitism percentage of the parasitoid Eretmocerus· mundus, 82.80, 81.80 and 80.47%, respectively, where it was 22.48 and 48.06% from the Actellic insecticide treatment and the untreated one, respectively, during 2006 season. This parameter for parasitoid Encarsia lutea was 16.16, 15.51 and 13.73% on sweet basil, geranium and spearmint treatments, respectively, comparable by 7.07 and 7.47 on the insecticide and the control. Similar results were obtained during season 2007.

Summary in Arabic.

Sweetpotato whitefly.
Sweetpotato whitefly--Biological control.
Aromatic plants--Utilization.
Plant extracts.
Biological pest control agents.