Scales as a devised technique characterizing some fishsamples [electronic resource].
إستخدام قشور الأسماك كتقنية حديثة للتمييز بين بعض الأسماك.
- p.293-308.
Includes references.
The scope of the study includes to what extent fish scales could be used as a devised technique for differentiation between fish samples. To reach such goal, fish scales from different fish sources were put forward under investigation by electron microscopy. The best locations of scale on a fish body were also considered to get scales of top quality. Scales attached to the body of the tested red mullet were characterized by a repetition unit in vertical pattern. a structure that was more pronoW1ced to be of a cycloid scale type. With respect to the inspection of the same scales; but release over the other side of the body. scanning electron microscopy (SEM) proved the presence of horizontal line in a wave like pattern. The scales of the Grey mullet samples referred to the attached area with fish body realizing a cone and sharp bin point under a magnification of 50X giving a net like structure pattern. The general out view of the scales of Tilapies as a source of Nile fish indicated the presence of a distinct wave striation with a circuli surrounding the concentric rings within the tested Tilapies. The noticeable wave striations were irregularly shaped in a horizontal way with wavy lines in clear area. In case of aquaculture fish (Silver carp) a real cetenoid shape was sharply noticed which scultured with concentric rings and also composed of individual platelets. In Sole fish. photos obtained by SEM indicate the presence of crossing joints with a thin pin structure that clearly noticed when enlargements were of IOOX and being more focused on using 330X. On the other hand, the scale of sole Bardawil was characterized by strait lines in a shape most likely to ctenoid structure and the exposed part of the scale has clear circuli and may be covered in spines Key words: Scales structure. Scanning Electron Microscopy. Fish sources (Tilapies, Red mullet Grey mullet. Silver carp, Sole Qaroun and Sole Bardawil).