Abd El-Gawad, A.H.

Deitary supplementation of betaine as an attempt to alleviate the effects of heat stress on broiler chicks [electronic resource]. إضافة البيتايين إلى العلائق لتخفيف تأثيرات الإجهاد الحرارى على دجاج اللحم.‪ - p.3585-3598.

Includes references.

An experiment was conducted to study the effects of adding graded levels of belaine either alone or in combination with either enzymes preparation (EP) conlaining ",·amylase, xylanase and protease or Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) on productive performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chicks raised under high ambient temperatures. A number of 144 day-- old "Hubbard" broiler chicks were assigned to 6 treatment groups of 24 chicks in individual cages where every chick represented one replicate. The six experimenlal diets were: control treatment diet (T₁) which was fonlulated to be without supplemenlal belaine, treatments diets (T2)

Summary in Arabic.

Broiler (Chickens)--Feeding and feeds
Chickens--Feeding and feeds.
Dietary supplements.
Heat Stress Disorders.