Effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin on milk production and composition of lactating buffaloes [electronic resource].
تأثير استخدام السوماتوتروبين المخلق صناعيا على انتاج اللبن ومكوناته فى الجاموس المصرى.
- P. 1909-1916.
Includes references.
Effects of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) treatment on buffalo milk production and composition were studied under the Egyptian dairy farm conditions. Thirty-six buffaloes delivered during the same season were assigned to either control (n=16) or rbST treated groups (n=20). The treated animals were subcutaneously injected biweekly by 500 mg of rbST over a period of five months of lactation, starting at 50 days postpartum. The results showed that rbST treated buffaloes produced significantly (P<0.01) higher average daily milk yield than controls. Average daily milk yield of the experimental period were 8.57:1:0.39kg and 10.56:1:0.35 kg for control and treated buffaloes, respectively. Treatment with rbST did not affect buffaloes milk composition (fat, lactose, total solids and solids non fat contents), while it significantly affected(P<0.01) the milk protein %. A slight significant (P<0.05) effect on fat percentage was found during different phases of lactation between treated and control animals (at 5th month of lactation).