Abd El-Moneim, Azza M.

Response of gerbera cut flower heads to some preservative selution treatments [electronic resource]. استجابة أزهار الجيربيرا المقطوفة لبعض معاملات محاليل الحفظ.‪ - P. 39-55.

Includes references.

An investigation was consummated at Post-Harvest Lab. of Floriculture Dep., Hort. Res. Inst., Giza ,Egypt during 2008 and 2009 seasons to study the effect of some preservative solutions, viz. distilled water (control), 10% sucrose + 0.1 g citric acid/l (T1), 100 ppm pix +T1, 200 ppm pix +T1, 300 ppm pix +T1, 100 ppm GA 3+T1, 200 ppm GA3 +T1, 300 ppm GA3 +T1, and STS + T1 on flower heads quality, longevity, bent-neck phenomenon, water relation and stems and petal chemical composition of Gerbera jamesonii, Hook.cv. Deliana cut flowers. The obtained data exhibited that all preservative solutions, even distilled water caused a marked increment in the percent of flower heads fresh weight after 2 days from picking, whereas a significant decrement was observed afterwards up to 12 days after cut. Flower heads diameter was progressively declined with prolonging the vase life period, but significantly improved by most of the used holding solutions.

Summary in Arabic.

Cut flowers--Postharvest technology.
Cut flowers--Preservation