Metwally, A. M.

Evaluation of different control methods against rodent species in some field crops and date palm trees in assiut governorate [electronic resource]. مكافحة القوارض في بعض المحاصيل الحقلية ونخيل البلح في أسيوط. - p.845- 853.

Includes references.

This study was aimed to use of some mechanical and chemical control methods to control rodent species in some field crops and date palm trees in the experimental farm of Al-Azhar University in Assjut. This study was carried out in the Wheat field as wintry crops and Maize as summary crop. The tested rodenticides were Zinc phosphide. Paraphenylenediamine (PPD) and Super caid. Mechanical control of date palm trees was done by aluminum sheet around the tree trunk, remove the weeds and destroy the rodent burrows. Data in wheat field crop was shown that the decrease of the rodent infestation as 4.16% in zinc phosphide treatment while its was 3.39% in PPO and 2.15% in super caid treatment. In maize crops the decrease was7.56% in zinc phosphide treatment. 4.55% in PPD and 4.11% in super caid. In date palm trees the decrease of the infestation was the highly percentage in aluminum sheet followed by zinc phosphide treatment 7.71% and 7.05%in case of PPD. The lowest decrease was in super caid 6.12% and 5.33%in the remove of weeds and destroying the rodent burrows.

Summary in Arabic.

Rodents--Control--Assuit (Egypt).