El-Mansi, A. A.

Comparative study on the effect of yeast, some vitamins, IBA and boron on growth and yield of tomato under sandy soil conditions [electronic resource]. دراسة مقارنة عن تأثير الخميرة وبعض الفيتامينات واندول حمض البيوتيريك والبورون على نمو ومحصول الطماطم تحت ظروف الأرض الرملية. - P. 1409-1424.

Includes references.

This experiment was carried out during two fan seasons of 2000 and 2001 at El-Khattara Experimental Farm, Fac. Agric., Zagazig Univ., to study the effect of foliar spray of tomato plants with Indolebutyric acid IBA, yeast, B-vitamins (vit.B. and vito B,) and boron on growth, yield and fruit quality under sandy soil conditions. Application of yeast at 10 gm/ L + vito B. at 25 ppm, yeast at 10 gm IL + boron at 12.5 ppm, vito B. at 25 ppm + boron at 12.5 ppm or vit B, at 250 ppm gave the highest values of number of both leaves and branches /plant, dry weight of stem , leaves and total I plant, No. of fruits I plot and total yield! feddan. Spraying with vito ~ at 125 ppm increased N uptake by root and stem and N, P. and K total uptake by plant.

Summary in Arabic.

Sandy soils.
Plants -- Effect of boron on
Foliar feeding