Effect of essential oil of Artemisia judaica and its major component on the honeybee parasite Varroa destructur [electronic resource].
- p.75-81.
Includes references.
Many diseases attack honeybee colonies and cause degrees of damage according to the nature of the causative agent and the susceptibility of the colony. The ectoparasite mite, Varroa distructur, is one of the diseases, which cause damages to several honeybee colonies (Ritter, 1981 and Bradbear. 19'8). Chemotherapy with synthetic acaricides has been used extensively for Varroa control in many different parts in the world (Grobov et al., 1978 and Lubineveski et al., J988). Recently, several studies evaluated the effect of some natural products extracted from different species of plants on varroa puasite. Eshbah et al., (1995) studied the effect of 8 natural substances on the varroa mite, and they reported that the range of infestation reduction was between -35 and 45%. Ibrahim and Shoreite (1999) used certain parts of some plants (Coriander, Caraway, Chamomile and Neem) for studying its effect on the Varroa-Infested colenies.