Alam, Tarek H.

Evaluation of abamectin for treatment of ovine acariasis in Sharkia governorate [electronic resource]. تقييم الأبامكتين فى علاج الجرب فى الاغنام بمحافظة الشرقية. - p.9-17.

Includes references.

The present study was designed to investigate the cause of mange among lambs. Moreover, the hematological, biochemical and histopathological studies were done. Evaluation the effecacy of Abamectin on treatment of mange was evaluated.Ten lambs (1-1.5 years old weghing 30-45kg) which belonged to a private farm in Sharkia Governorate were used in this investigation. The lambs were divided into two equal groups Gp. (1) was (clinically healthy and free from internal and external parasite) was the control. Gp. (2) was suffering from skin lesions, including dermatitis of various degrees besides alopecia, itching, thickening ofthe skin and loss of condition. This group was treated by the therapeutic dose of Abamectin (0.2 mg kg B.wt). Skin scraping was collected from the diseased group before and after treatment at 5 ,10 and 20 day intervals. Skin biopsy was collected from the diseased lambs for histopathological examination.

Summary in Arabic.

Scabies in sheep.