Merwad, Abd El-Rahmau M. A.

Effect of some phosphatic fertilizers and soil amendments on the availability of phosphorus in soil [electronic resource]. تأثير بعض الأسمدة الفوسفاتية والمصلحات الأرضية على تيسر الفوسفور فى التربة. - p.483-494.

Includes references.

An incubation experiment was conducted under laboratory condition to study the effect of some phosphatic fertilizers i.e ordinary super phosphate ( OSP) and rock phosphate (RP) at a rate of 100 kg P₂O₅ fad⁻¹., either singly or combined with organic soil amendments i.e orange residues (OR) and chicken manure (Ch.M) at a rate of 20 tons fad⁻¹.,mineral soil amendments i.e perlite (Per) and vermiculite (Ver) at a rate of 2 tons fad⁻¹ and elemental sulphur (S) at a rate of 500 kg fad⁻¹.,on available phosphorus content through different incubation periods i.e 7, 15 , 30 , 60 , 90 , 120 and 150 days in two different soil samples. The first sample was non calcareous sandy soil, collected from the Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, at El-Khattara County, Zagazig University, El-Sharkia Governorate. The second one was a sandy loam calcareous soil, collected from El-Noubaria Research Station beside El-Noubaria County, northern part of Tahreer Province. The obtained results can be summarized as follows: In absence of organic and mineral soil amendments, the available phosphorus was greater with ordinary super phosphate treatment than with rock phosphate in the tested soils. In absence of mineral soil amendments and in presence of any phosphatic fertilizers, 2% chicken manure gave the greatest value of available phosphorus if compared to 2% OR and its other rates combined with chicken manure in the two studied soils.

Summary in Arabic.

Soil amendments.
Soils--Effect of phosphorus on.
Soils--Phosphorus content.
Phosphatic fertilizers.
Sandy soils.
Calcareous soils.