Hebib, Aggaa.

Malta fever sero-prevalence at tiaret (Western Algeria) [electronic resource]. توزيع أنواع البروسيلا عند الإنسان (دراسة مصلية). - p.130-139.

Includes references.

A serological study has been made to determinate the prevalence of brucellosis infection at sample of 430 persons living at the willaya of Tiaret, located 300 km west the capital Algiers. In that sample, 239 parsons are females. Veterinarians, slaughterhouse workers, farmers and butchers represented the risk population (professionals) and the other party was the non-professional. The brucellian infection was of 37,6 %: 33,5 % at males and 41 % at the females. The infection was found at the two sexes and the different ages (to 10 years for more than 60 years). Key words: Malta fever, brucellosis.

Summary in Arabic.

Brucellosis vaccines--Algeria