El-Fak, A. M.

Influence of maternal age on milk composition and infant malnutrition in Sharkia [electronic resource]. تأثير عمر الأم على تركيب اللبن وحالات سوء التغذية عندد الاطفال الرضع بالشرقية. - p.851-857.

Includes references.

In this study it was found that there were 13, 71, 16% of nursing women at ages below 20, 20-30 and over 30 years respectively. It was found that maternal age affected the chemical composition and energy density of breast milk. So, it can be recommend that mothers delivery ages must neither below 20 nor over 35 years. Also, it was observed that there were a considerable percentage of infants suffering from malnutrition. This problem requires the production of low cost supplementary foods to be introduced in infant feeding beyond the first 6 months of life.

Summary in Arabic.

Infants--Nutrition .
Maternal age.