Fatouh, Asmaa A.

Effect of sugar beet pulp on growing rabbit performance [electronic resource]. تأثير تفل بنجر السكر على أداء الأرانب النامية. - P. 491-502.

Includes references.

This work was carried out to study the effect of grain diet (yellow corn and barley) replacement by sugar beet pulp (SBP) on performance of growing rabbits. Twenty male and forty female growing rabbits about 6 weeks old and nearly similar initial body Weight (900±20g) were randomly assigned to four experimental treatments (5male +10 female)in each. The rabbits in the first group, fed diet without SBP (control) and the other groups (2-4) fed diets contained SBP e.g. replacement of grains diet at levels of 25, 50 and 75% respectively.

Summary in Arabic.

Rabbits--Feeding and feeds.
Feed additives.
Barley as feed.
Corn as feed.
Dietary supplements.
Sugar beet as feed.
Animal performance.
Sugar beet pulp.