Some physical and mechanical characteristics of palm date fruits [electronic resource]
بعض الخصائص الطبيعية والميكانيكية لثمار البلح
- p. 575-588.
Includes bibliographic reference
The present study aimed to determine and recognize some physical and mechanical properties as an important role in designing and developing of specific machines and their operations. Some physical and mechanical characteristics of date fruits (Phoenix dactylifera L), Joezee variety, were determined. These characteristics included the date dimensions, surface area, mass, bulk density, real density. void ratio, moisture content, repose angle, static friction coefficient and rigidity force. For each dimension, the date fruits gave the highest value in width of 42.9 mm, the lowest value in length of 25.9 mm. the highest value of repose angle was26. 10 for galvanized sheet while the lowest value was 16.4 for glass. The date Fruits gave the lowest value of static coefficient of friction of 0.12 for ply wood while the highest value was 0.17for galvanized sheet