Shehata, S. A.

Effect of foliar application of micronutrients, magnesium and wrapping films on yield, quality and storability of green bean pods [electronic resource] تأثير الرش بالعناصر الصغرى والماغنسيوم والمغلفات على المحصول والجودة والقدرة التخزينية لقرون الفاصوليا الخضراء - p.121-139.

Includes bibliographic reference

This study was carried out under plastic house conditions during autumn seasons of 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 at the Agricultural Experiment and Researches Station, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University on Morelado cv. to study the effect of foliar spraying by Iron at 160 ppm+ Manganese at 100 ppm + Zinc at 50 ppm or Magnesium at 0.5% concentrations on productivity ,quality and storability of snap bean during storage at 6 °C and 95 % RH. Results showed that green bean plants sprayed with Iron at 100 ppm+ Manganese at 100 ppm + Zinc at 50 ppm were, significantly, the highest in all vegetative growth parameters compared with other treatments. Foliar application with Iron at 100 pprn+ Manganese at 100 ppm + Zinc at 50 ppm or magnesium at 0.5% increase leaves chlorophyll content without significant differences between them. Foliar application with Iron at 100 ppm+ Manganese at 100 ppm + Zinc at 50 ppm or magnesium at 0.5% , significantly increased the total yield and its components with significant differences between them and also improved the pods quality. Results showed that with prolonging the storage period at 6 °C and 90 -95% RH ,weight loss% of pods increased, but general appearance, total chlorophyll and ascorbic acid content were reduced.

Summary in Arabic

Trace elements in plant nutrition.
Agricultural chemicals--Foliar application.
Green bean--Quality.
Green bean--Storage.