Shetawy, M. A. EI-Said

Physical and mechanical characteristics of guava seeds / [electronic resource]. الخصائص الطبيعية و الميكانيكية لبذور الجوافة - p.621-634

Year book of Misr Society of Agricultural Engineering : The 20 th. Annual Conference of the Misr Society of Agricultural Engineering "Agricultural Engineering and Country Challenges"

Includes references.

The present study aimed to determine and recognize the physical and mechanical properties as an important role in designing and developing of specific machines in field of planting. harvesting and grading. For these rezones the Ph. vsical and mechanical characteristics of guava seeds were identified. The results indicated that for the dimensions. the width gave the highest value of -1.-1 mm. Also. for the sllrface area, the flat surface area recorded the highest value of /4.2 mm] while the transverse surface area recorded the lowest value of2.8 mm]. For the repose angle, the highest value of 3-1.7° for plywood surface while the lowest value of 33.6° for the galvanized surface. For the material surfaces, the galvanized surface gave the highest static coefficient of friction (0.38) while. the plywood gave the lowest value (0.25).

Summary in Arabic

Chemistry, Physical and theoretical.