Influence of integrated system of organic manures and nitrogen fertilizer for enhancing growth, yield and activity of some major microorganisms in the rhizosphere of cotton Plant [electronic resource].
تأثير الإستخدام المتكامل للتسميد العضوى مع التسميد النتروجينى على نمو وانتاجية محصول القطن وعلى نشاط بعض المجموعات الرئيسية للكائنات الحية الدقيقة فى ريزوسفير نبات القطن.
- P. 9407-9425.
Includes reference.
Two Field trials were conducted in two successive season to study the influence of integrated use of two sources of organic manures e.g. compost I (prepared from rice straw as a basic waste) and poultry manure at rates of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ton/ fed combined with 3 levels of N fertilizer 15, 30, 60 Kg N I fed on some cotton growth traits, yield and yield components. fiber quality as well as the effect of these treatments on the activity of selected soil microorganisms in the rhizosphere of cotton plants.