Abd El-Hady, Sahar R.

Evaluation of natural antioxidants extracted from different agro-industrial by-products [electronic resource]. تقييم مضادات الأكسدة الطبيعية المستخرجة من بعض المخلفات الزراعية الصناعية. - p.142-163.

Includes references.

This investigation was carried out to study the possibility of extraction of some natural antioxidative phenolic compounds from some agro-industrial by-products (defatted black and white rice brans, sweet potato peels and potato peel). The extracted phenolic compounds were tested as natural antioxidants compare with synthetic antioxidants butylated. hydroxytoluene (BHT) using cotton seed oil after deep frying ofpotato for 25 hours.

Summary in Arabic.

Agricultural wastes.
Factory and trade waste.
industrial byproducts