Abdel- Aal, E. I.

Comparative study among irrigation systems for cowpea yield in sandy soil [electronic resource]. دراسة مقارنة لنظم الرى لمحصول اللوبيا فى الاراضى الرملية. - p.745-764.

Includes references.

A field study was conducted at the experimental Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig Univeristy, Sharkia Governorate, during the summer season 2009 to determine comparative study b'etween irrigation systems (traditional, sprinkler, drip and subswjace) for irrigation efficincy, water saving, cowpea yield, yield components, water use efficincy and net profit in sandy soil conditions. The experimental results reveal that: • The application efficiency; distribution uniformity and irrigation efficiency for subsurface irrigation increased by 4.2, 13.5 and 60.1%; 4.57, 15.97 and 29.06% and 8.99, 31.70 and 109.75% compared with drip, sprinkler and traditional systems. • Kccalculated and KcFAO values were 0.40 and 0.41; 0.82 and 1.05 and 0.55 and 0. 60 at the different stage of cowpea . • Drip system increased the pod yield and WUE by 14.98 and 9.47%, 40.42 and 57.58% and 61. 7 6 and 188.89% compared with subsurface, sprinkler and traditional systems. • The highest water saving was obtained of 1780, 1675 and 1420 m³/fed under subsurface, drip and sprinkler compared with traditional systems. • The highest net profit was obtained of 3276, 2680, 1823 and 1602 LE/fed under drip, subsurface, traditional and sprinkler irrigation systems.

Summary in Arabic.

Water efficiency.
Sandy soils.
irrigation systems.