Effect of ammonia on Nile tilapia (O. Niloticus) performance and some hematological and histological measures

El-Sherif, M. S.

Effect of ammonia on Nile tilapia (O. Niloticus) performance and some hematological and histological measures [electronic resource]. تأثير الأمونيا على أداء البلطى النيلى وبعض القياسات الدموية والنسيجية. - p.513-530.

Includes reference.

The present study was planed to investigate the effect of different sub-lethal concentrations of ammonia (NH,-N) on growth performance and some physiological parameters of Nile tilapia fingerlings (Oreochromis niloticus).

Summary in Arabic.

Nile tilapia--Research.
Ammonia--Physiological effect.


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