The library holds a wide range of information resources in printed and non - printed fom1ats to enable researchers access a vast collection of information materials which includes.
- Books: ENAL holds more than 26000 book titles which are shelved on the ground floor and arranged by subject according to the Library of Congress Classification system.
- Periodicals: The library subsc1ibes to more than 355 journal titles in print and non-print formats , which are arranged according to the subject on the first floor of the library. A large number of periodicals are available in electronic format. Detailed information about the titles in the periodical collection could be found in the Library Catalog. Presently electronic access to a big number of these journals is available for researchers in the research institutes and stations of· the Agricultural Research Center and Desert research center.
- References: ENAL holds 2500 titles of reference materials such as Encyclopedias , dictionaries, bibliographies, yearbooks, reports, calendars, prospectuses and maps which are located in the reference area on the ground floor.
- Microform area: The library houses a collection of 13000 dissertations and academic theses and the back issues of 221 journals starting with 1970 on microfiche.
- Electronic services: An expanding range of electronic resources such as computerized bibliographic databases, electronic journals, Internet resources and online information are available for researchers inside and outside the library.
- Electronic Databases: Various databases are available in the CD ROM search room and also searchable through remote access by dialing up or through the library's homepage. The library manages ERL (Electronic Reference Library) databases server, which enables a big number of databases covering all agricultural sciences.
- Electronic Journals: A vast number of the journal collections is available for remote access by the researcher inside the library or from their institutes and research station throughout Egypt.
- Internet Area: ENAL provides lO terminals in the Internet area to allow patrons to search and navigate the vast range of information and enable researchers to keep abreast with the latest updating in their fields.
- Special collection room: The room displays originals and reproductions of rare books, manuscripts, maps, documents and works of art in the field of agriculture and related sciences. The special collection items are available for research and study under certain conditions.
- Audio Visual collection: The collection contains audio tapes, video c~ssettes, compact discs and emerging audio visual tapes covering all fields of agriculture which are housed in the Audio Visual collection area on the ground floor.