Effect of dietary beta-l, 3 glucan on immunomodulation on diseased oreochromis niloticus experimentally infected with aflatoxin B1

El-Boshy, M.E .

Effect of dietary beta-l, 3 glucan on immunomodulation on diseased oreochromis niloticus experimentally infected with aflatoxin B1 [electronic resource]. التأثير الغذائى لبيتا 1-3 جلوكان على مناعة أسماك البلطى النيلى المصابة بالأفلاتوكسين ب1 . - p.1109-1127

Includes reference.

A hundred and fifty samples of fish rations were collected and subjected to mycological examination.

Summary in Arabic.

Nile tilapia--Feeding and feeds
Nile tilapia--Diseases.


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