Enhancement of antagonistic activities of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus cereus against some plant diseases strains
Sabir, Jamal S. M.
Enhancement of antagonistic activities of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus cereus against some plant diseases strains [electronic resource]. تحفيز أنشطة التضاد لكل من بكتريا بسيدومونس فلوريسنس وكذا بكتريا باسيللس سيريس ضد بعض السلالات الممرضة للنبات. - p.363-375.
Includes reference.
The identification and the biological and molecular characterization of microbiai biocontrol agents or microbial producers of bioactive compounds are of great interest in modern agriculture. Antagonistic strains against Trichoderma and Fusarium genus are able to produce various secondary metabolites, which can playa role in the mechanism of their biological activity. Particularly, they produce antifungal secondary metabolites, which by spreading through soil cracks could ensure the antagonists of an ecological advantage in the competition for the soil colonization against the pathogens. Two strains Pseudomonasjluorescens and two strains of Bacillus cereus were isolated from soils of different areas of Saudia Arabia. Different antibiotic resistance patterns were isolated in each strain to select genetic marker for each strain.
Summary in Arabic.
Fusarium diseases of plants
Phytopathogenic fungi--Control.
Biological pest control agents.
Enhancement of antagonistic activities of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus cereus against some plant diseases strains [electronic resource]. تحفيز أنشطة التضاد لكل من بكتريا بسيدومونس فلوريسنس وكذا بكتريا باسيللس سيريس ضد بعض السلالات الممرضة للنبات. - p.363-375.
Includes reference.
The identification and the biological and molecular characterization of microbiai biocontrol agents or microbial producers of bioactive compounds are of great interest in modern agriculture. Antagonistic strains against Trichoderma and Fusarium genus are able to produce various secondary metabolites, which can playa role in the mechanism of their biological activity. Particularly, they produce antifungal secondary metabolites, which by spreading through soil cracks could ensure the antagonists of an ecological advantage in the competition for the soil colonization against the pathogens. Two strains Pseudomonasjluorescens and two strains of Bacillus cereus were isolated from soils of different areas of Saudia Arabia. Different antibiotic resistance patterns were isolated in each strain to select genetic marker for each strain.
Summary in Arabic.
Fusarium diseases of plants
Phytopathogenic fungi--Control.
Biological pest control agents.