Effect of some chemical and natural holding solutions on the post harvest quality of gladiolus spikes

Badr, M.

Effect of some chemical and natural holding solutions on the post harvest quality of gladiolus spikes [electronic resource]. تأثير بعض المواد الكيماوية والطبيعية على مدة بقاء شماريخ الجلاديولس الزهرية المقطوفة. - p.45-50.

Includes reference.

Spikes of cut Gladiohus cv.Rose supername were placed in holding solutions containing different chemicals .i.e. 50ppm silver nitrate.250 ppm 8-hydroxyqinoline + 5 %sucrose • j %sucrose alone .25.50 or 100ppm sodium Hypochlorite .All these chemicals were compared with the safety. Friendly and non-toxic natural resources .i.e. 0.5. 1.0 And 1.5 g/l of powdered dried sepals ofHibiscw sabdariffa .with 0r without 5 % sucrose .0.5. 1.0 and 1.5 g/l o/powdered dried leaves .

Summary in Arabic.

Gladiolus--Physiology and morphology.
Cut flowers--Postharvest technology

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