Occurrence of enterotoxigenic staphylococcus aureus in some camel's meat products

Shehata, Amal Ali.

Occurrence of enterotoxigenic staphylococcus aureus in some camel's meat products [electronic resource]. دراسة على مدى تواجد الميكروب المكور العنقودى الذهبى فى منتجات لحوم الجمال.‪ - p.29-35.

Includes reference

Fifty samples of camel's meat products were collected from Cairo and Giza supermarkets which were represented as burger, frankfurter, luncheon, minced meat and rice kofta. The mean values of S. aureus count were detected and were 12.3 x 10²/g, 7.7 x 10²/g, 10.6 x 10³/g, 1.1 x 10³/g and 7.01 x 10³/g, respectively. The incidence of S. aureus were 40% in burger, luncheon and minced meat while 30% and 60% in frankfurter and rice kofta, respectively.

Summary in arabic.

Communicable diseases in animals.
Meat products.

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