Criteria of performance evaluation of a threshing and winnowing machine manufactured for medicinal and aromatic crops
Ahmed, Saad F.
Criteria of performance evaluation of a threshing and winnowing machine manufactured for medicinal and aromatic crops [electronic resource]. معايير تقييم أداء آلة دراس وتذرية مصنّعة للمحاصيل الطبية والعطرية. - p.121-146
Includes reference.
A thresher winnower machine was designed, constructed and tested to evaluate its performance in threshing and winnowing caraway crop under the designed operating conditions. The operating variables were, drum speeds of 5.87, 6.67, 8.007, 9.34 m/s, feed rates of 360, 540, 720, 900 kg/h and air velocity of 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5 m/s. The evaluation was based on the following parameters: seed losses, chaff rejected, cleanliness, effectiveness, separating efficiency and percentage of cracked grain. The seed losses, chaff rejected, cleanliness, effectiveness and separating efficiency were 1.42, 99.98, 99.9, 92.23 and 93.01% respectively under feed rate of 360 kg/h, air velocity of 3 m/s and drum speed of 9.34 m/s as the optimum condition of the designed thresher winnower machine.
Summary in Arabic.
Aromatic plants.
Medicinal plants.
Fanning mills.
Threshing machines.
Criteria of performance evaluation of a threshing and winnowing machine manufactured for medicinal and aromatic crops [electronic resource]. معايير تقييم أداء آلة دراس وتذرية مصنّعة للمحاصيل الطبية والعطرية. - p.121-146
Includes reference.
A thresher winnower machine was designed, constructed and tested to evaluate its performance in threshing and winnowing caraway crop under the designed operating conditions. The operating variables were, drum speeds of 5.87, 6.67, 8.007, 9.34 m/s, feed rates of 360, 540, 720, 900 kg/h and air velocity of 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5 m/s. The evaluation was based on the following parameters: seed losses, chaff rejected, cleanliness, effectiveness, separating efficiency and percentage of cracked grain. The seed losses, chaff rejected, cleanliness, effectiveness and separating efficiency were 1.42, 99.98, 99.9, 92.23 and 93.01% respectively under feed rate of 360 kg/h, air velocity of 3 m/s and drum speed of 9.34 m/s as the optimum condition of the designed thresher winnower machine.
Summary in Arabic.
Aromatic plants.
Medicinal plants.
Fanning mills.
Threshing machines.