Influence of gibberellic acid, mycorrhizae and phosphate solubilizing bacteria on yield and chemical constituents of roselle plant (Hibiscus Sabdariffa, L.)

Fathy, I. R.

Influence of gibberellic acid, mycorrhizae and phosphate solubilizing bacteria on yield and chemical constituents of roselle plant (Hibiscus Sabdariffa, L.) [electronic resource]. تأثير حمض الجبريلليك والميكوريزا والبكتيريا المذيبة للفوسفور علي النمو والمحصول والمحتوي الكيماوي لنبات الكركديه. - p.293-304

Includes reference.

Two field experiments were conducted to study the effect of four gibberellic acid concentrations (nil, 50,100, and 200 ppm) and inoculation with VA- mycorrhizae + 45 Kg N\fed, Phosphorein +45 Kg N\fed, and mixed VAM + Phosphorein +45 Kg N\fed and their interaction on seed yield and its components and chemical constituents of rosella plant, during the two summer seasons of 2006 and 2007. A split plot design with four replicates was used in this study. The main results could be summarized as follows: increasing gibberellic acid concentrations up to 200 ppm , markedly increased plant height at harvesting time, number of branches /plant, dry weight of sepals/plant, seed index, seed yield / plant , seed yield /fed and chemical constituents . However, all traits under study increased significantly, due to inoculation treatments over the control one. In general, inoculation with VA- mycorrhizae with other biofertilizers was more effective in increasing seed yield and its attributes as well as chemical constituents The highest mean values of all studied characters were observed because of inoculation treatment with VA- mycorrhizae + 45 Kg N\fed. It can the stated that inoculation of rosella seed before planting with VAmycorrhizae, phosphorein or (VA- mycorrhizae + phosphorein) and gibberellic acid at 200 ppm, as starter level was the recommended for raising rosella productivity and reducing the environmental pollution under the conditions of the present study.

Summary in Arabic.

Plants--Effect of gibberellic acid on
Phosphatic fertilizers.

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