Effect of l-carnitine dietary supplementation on quality criteria of broiler carcasses during chilling storage

Attalla, O.A.

Effect of l-carnitine dietary supplementation on quality criteria of broiler carcasses during chilling storage [electronic resource]. تأثير إضافة الكارنيتين لعلائق بدارى التسمين على جودة ذبائحها أثناء حفظها بالتبريد. - p.154-164

Includes reference.

Effects of L- carnitine dietary supplementation on proximate analysis, abdominal fat and cholesterol content in broiler carcasses were examined. In addition, sensory, chemical and bacteriological quality parameters of refrigerated storage broiler carcasses were conducted. Hubbard broiler chicks of 7 days old were used in this study. Four diet combinations were formulated. Maize-soybean containing 3% vegetable oil basal diet as control group, and group I was basal diet containing 100mg L-carnitine (Lonza, Biotec, S.r.o., CZ)/ kg diet. While group II was basal diet with 20% deficient lysine, and group III was basal diet containing 100mg L-carnitine / kg diet, and 20% lysine deficiency. Generally the obtained results revealed a significant increase in protein content and reduction of abdominal fat as absolute weights in groups fed on 100mg/kg L- carnitine containing diet irrespective to lysine content. The control and treated broilers carcasses were of high sensory quality for the first four days of storage and the TBA-value was correlated well with sensory results. Also TVB-N content was within the permissible limit. At the 7th day of storage the examined carcasses were marginally accepted while all carcasses were obviously decomposed at the 10th day of storage. It is worthily mentioning that L-carnitine has no influence onany of quality deteriorative criteria among groups.

Summary in Arabic.

Carnitine--Health aspects.
Broilers (Poultry)--Feeding and feeds.
Broilers (Poultry)--Microbiology.

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