The relative efficiency of pesticides and fertilizers on cotton crop

EL-Shahaat, M. S.

The relative efficiency of pesticides and fertilizers on cotton crop II the side effects of certain pesticides and fertilization types on the soil enzymes, urease and dehydrogenase. [electronic resource]: تأثير بعض المبيدات والأسمدة على محصول القطن 2- تأثيراتها الجانبية على أنزيمات التربة (اليوريز والدهيدروجينيز).‪ - p.127135.

Includes reference.

The present study was carried out on cotton variety Giza 70 during the two consecutive seasons to determine the side effects of certain u~ed pesticides i.e.; chlorpyrifos, thidocarb and lambda-cyhalothrtn which were used against the cotton bollworms on soil enzymes of urease and dehydrogenase under the condition of mineral and , or bio- fertilizers. The pesticides reduced dehydrogenase activity which has been expressed as Formazan prodUct in ppm in the presence of either mineral fertilization or/and bio- fertilization. A higher decrease was obtained with the pesticides that sprayed sequenlly in minerally fertilized soil, where formazan value was 41.73 ppm. However, the highest decrease effect was related to chlorpyrtfos treatment (31.S-ppm formazan) in soil treated wtth the used bie-fertilizer. In this concern, dehydrogenase activity was mainly affected by the applied pesticides; and not by the type of mineral or/ and bio fertilization,

Summary in Arabic.

Cotton--Diseases and pests
Soils--Effect of pesticides on.

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