Testing some feeding substances and its protein and lipid contents on rearing brood of honeybee colonies

Tharwat, E. E.

Testing some feeding substances and its protein and lipid contents on rearing brood of honeybee colonies [electronic resource]. اختبار بعض مواد التغذية من البروتين والليبيدات على تربية الحضنه لطوائف نحل العسل.‪ - p.137-148.

Includes reference.

Twenty seven of the first hybrid local Carniolan bee race (Apis mel/ifera camica ) of about equal strength, were chosen to start the planned experiments, bee colonies containing at least four frames of brood covered with bees in the Beekeeping Res. Sec. at DOkki., Giza during 2004,2005. The colonies were arranged in nine groups of three colonies each. Groups from 1 to 8 were tested experimentally, while the group nine was left as a control. Several food stuffs containing considerable amounts of protein availabie in cheap prices in the local market were chosen for this stUdy. These stuffs were used alone or mixed as follows: Bean pollen grains + sugar (1 :2) , Palm pollen + sugar (1 +2), drone larvae + sugar + pollen grains (3:6:1), dried medical yeast + sugar + water (3:3:1), soybean ftour + sugar (1:2), fish powder + sugar + pollen grains (3:6:1), Lintels + sugar (1:2) and Crud protein + sugar (1 :2). These diets were mixed with sucrose solution (1:1 v/v) making a semi dried paste. The paste was divided into small pieces (100g each) to provide each of treated colony weekly. Consumption of these diets percentage by treated colonies was estimated, and the brood rearing areas were measured, Also, the total protein and total lipid contents in applied diets were determined.

Summary in Arabic.

Honeybee--Feeding and feeds.

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