Comparison of some thinning methods on vegetative growth, yield and yield components of "Desert Red" peach cultivar.

Abd El-Megeed, Nagwa A.

Comparison of some thinning methods on vegetative growth, yield and yield components of "Desert Red" peach cultivar. مقارنة بعض طرق الخف على النمو الخضرى، المحصول ومكوناته فى صنف الخوخ"الديزيرت ريد".‪ - p.441-458.

Includes reference.

This study was carried out during two successive seasons 2004 and 2005 at a commercial orchard at EI-Nubaria, Sahera, Governorate on -Desert Red- peach cultivar. Trees were sprayed at full bloom with NAA 20, 30 ppm and 2%, 3% urea and 15 em, 20 cm hand thinning. Results revealed that, chemical thinning with NAA and urea and both hand thinning treatrnents increased the shoot length and leaf area in both seasons. Total leaf chlorophyll and carbohydrate were not affected significantly with the NAA and hand thinning treatments, while, urea spraying significantly increased the total chlorophyll and total carbohydrate. Furthermore, the nemical thinning and hand thinning treatments caused a general decrease in retained fruit percentages and decrease yield per tree as number of fruits per tree and yield (kg/tree). All thinning treatments increased fruit weight. seed weight, pulp weight and fruit dimensions (cm).

Summary in Arabic.

vegetative growth.

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